Student Services
Link to Register to Vote:
Florida Online Voter Registration System
Link to VoteByMail while you are away at a temporary address:
Vote-by-Mail Ballot Request Form
Help Choosing a Political Party: Link listing all political parties registered in Florida:
Political Parties - Division of Elections - Florida Department of State (
Uniform Ballot Education Video: Click Example: Remediated Student Sample Ballot
English Spanish
Primary Breakdown
Election Facts: True or False
Poll workers are the gate keepers of our elections and you can be part of the process. We have over 80 poll workers in Okeechobee County who work hard to ensure the conduct of fair and accurate elections. Students are an integral part of elections in our county.
To be a poll worker, you must be registered or pre-registered to vote (16 years of age or older), be able to read and write English, participate in required training prior to election day, and work on election day from 6 a.m. until dismissed by the precinct clerk after election day duties are completed, typically a 14-hour day. Student poll workers must also maintain a positive attitude, exhibit professional behavior and remain non-partisan at all times while working and training.
Student election workers are paid for training and working a full election day. Prior to each election a statement of approval form will be sent to your school so that you may receive an excused absence for election day and earn credit for community service. If needed for a class or coursework, college students may submit their community service forms to the Human Resources/Poll Worker department in the Supervisor of Elections office for verification of service hours.
For more information about our student poll worker program, please see the Student Poll Worker Guidelines below. You may complete the fillable Student Poll Worker Application and I-9 Form online by clicking on the links below. To finish the process, bring your signed Florida Driver License and Social Security card with your application and I-9 Form to one of our 304 NW 2nd Street, office (Old Historic Court House) so we can copy and include them in your poll worker file. If you need assistance with the I-9 Form, our staff will be happy to help. If you have questions, please call the office at 863-763-4014.
Link to Become a Poll worker: For information on current Election Worker pay rates call our office at (863) 763-4014!
Student Poll Worker Application
Student Poll Worker Guidelines
I-9 Form