Vote In Honor of a Veteran
The Okeechobee County Supervisor of Elections Office is pleased to introduce the Vote in Honor of a Veteran program to our voters. The sacrifices our veterans have made on behalf of this great state and nation stands as an example that emphasizes the need for us to take our responsibilities seriously, especially our right to vote.
The goal of the Okeechobee County Vote in Honor of a Veteran program is to encourage voter participation among our entire population, as well as to have another avenue to teach our voting-age youth about the sacrifices our veterans have made and continue to make every day so that we may continue to live in a democratic society. By exercising our right to vote, we show veterans and active service members the respect they deserve for protecting our country. Veterans have always served us with honor. Let’s give them the recognition they have earned.
This is how the program works…
Any veteran, family member or friend of a veteran is encouraged to stop by the Supervisor of Elections Office at 304 NW 2nd St., Room 144, to complete a short biography and submit with a photograph (preferably in uniform). Photographs will be scanned and returned as soon as possible. Biography forms may be submitted on behalf of an active service member, a discharged veteran, a KIA, MIA, POW or a deceased veteran.
You don’t have to be related to a veteran to vote in honor of one. You don’t even need to know a veteran personally. You will do your part if you simply go to the polls at election time and Vote in Honor of a Veteran. It’s that simple.
REMEMBER to Thank a Veteran for their Service to our Country!